The Madagascar 2012 Expedition will follow 14 years of world travel and community projects organised by The Coopers' Company and Coborn School. In 2012 a group of 34 year 12 and 13 students will spend one month in Madagascar, with the aim of completing the building of a secondary school block in the Merina village of Andranosoa. Pupils will also spend time experiencing the vulnerable wildlife, people and landscapes of what is a unique country by travelling to the west coast via a 3 day canoe journey along the Tsiribihina river, visiting the Tsingy de Bemaraha, Kirindy Forest and the Avenue de Baobab. As a team, we are hoping to raise £20,000 to cover costs for the charity project. The aim of this blog is to provide information about Madagascar, the team and the fund-raising project. Please visit the pages shown on the right to learn more about the expedition.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Iridium Partners With us to Supply Satellite Phone

Dan Mercer, Vice President & General Manager of Iridium Communications has kindly agreed to supply us with a top of the range satellite phone which will go a long way to help us communicate our work in Madagascar with the outside world. We are hoping to be involved with some text, voice or even Skype calls with classes back at Coopers' during our stay in the Village of Andranosoa. The phone will also be a vital part of our emergency plans during the 3-4 day river trip. Also having an inbuilt GPS, it means that we will be able to map our progress as we go along.

Many thanks to Dan and all at Iridium. Well done to Joe Dunne who secured this partnership.

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