The Madagascar 2012 Expedition will follow 14 years of world travel and community projects organised by The Coopers' Company and Coborn School. In 2012 a group of 34 year 12 and 13 students will spend one month in Madagascar, with the aim of completing the building of a secondary school block in the Merina village of Andranosoa. Pupils will also spend time experiencing the vulnerable wildlife, people and landscapes of what is a unique country by travelling to the west coast via a 3 day canoe journey along the Tsiribihina river, visiting the Tsingy de Bemaraha, Kirindy Forest and the Avenue de Baobab. As a team, we are hoping to raise £20,000 to cover costs for the charity project. The aim of this blog is to provide information about Madagascar, the team and the fund-raising project. Please visit the pages shown on the right to learn more about the expedition.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Trouble in Lemur Land

An outstanding documentary following the plight of the Silky Sifaka and the lives of the encroaching rosewood loggers in Marojejy National Park, North East Madagascar.

Trouble in Lemur Land from Erik R Patel on Vimeo.

1 comment:


    Nosy-Bé, cet espace insulaire à vocation touristique et sa capitale Hell-Ville, ainsi que ses villages et îles satellites alentours rentrent dans la littérature française insulaire et francophone de l'océan Indien. Nosy-Bé côtoie alors les îles mythiques et voyage en voguant sur cette légende, au Cœur de la Littérature, de la Culture et de l'Histoire. Livre à lire : Nosy-Bé : Âme malgache, Cœur français et Année 2043 : Autopsie D'une Mémoire EXCLUSIVEMENT chez BookEdition.
