The Madagascar 2012 Expedition will follow 14 years of world travel and community projects organised by The Coopers' Company and Coborn School. In 2012 a group of 34 year 12 and 13 students will spend one month in Madagascar, with the aim of completing the building of a secondary school block in the Merina village of Andranosoa. Pupils will also spend time experiencing the vulnerable wildlife, people and landscapes of what is a unique country by travelling to the west coast via a 3 day canoe journey along the Tsiribihina river, visiting the Tsingy de Bemaraha, Kirindy Forest and the Avenue de Baobab. As a team, we are hoping to raise £20,000 to cover costs for the charity project. The aim of this blog is to provide information about Madagascar, the team and the fund-raising project. Please visit the pages shown on the right to learn more about the expedition.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Mr Cornish in Madagascar Day 1

I am back in Madagascar for the first time in 3 1/2 years and it's as though I had never left.

I had a good flight via Nairobi and was met by a friend- a teacher from my old school who lent me his car for the day. I then had to quickly get used to driving on the right, avoiding the many cyclists, oomby (cows), and people who also need to use the roads.

This photo shows the view from the aeroplane flying over the landscape of the north west. Notice the lack of trees and the bright red colour of the river caused by soil erosion due to the deforestation.

My first port of call was to visit Roland the project manager in his office in a town 10km outside of Antananarivo. I was there to present a gift of football equipment to him for use with the boys' team that he coaches. The equipment was kindly donated by Ardleigh Green Primary School so thanks go to Mr Morris and all of his staff for this gift.

A photo of Roland, his football team and me at the official handover!

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